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College Writing

Course Description

English Composition guides students in discovering and creating meaning through language and writing and provides further guidance as they generate ideas and organize structures for reflection, persuasion, analysis, and argument. The course provides opportunities to critically read and examine various texts, to explore and analyze different rhetorical strategies, to develop and support a controlling idea and/or thesis statement, to study the writing process, and to revise meaningfully and independently. It gives guidance in synthesizing and documenting information and offers suggestions for effective grammar, usage, punctuation, spelling, or other mechanics, as needed. The course asks students to collaborate with their classmates and instructor through team assignments, discussion, presentations, individual conferences and, when appropriate, peer review. By focusing first on fluency, then on clarity, then on correctness, the course gives students ample opportunity to develop and refine their writing skills for various audiences and purposes, both in and beyond college. (Minimum C- grade required to receive course credit).
STCW: Knowledge



Course Typically Offered

Fall and Spring